Hello there!

My name is Jes Carlskov.

I'm a digital designer from Copenhagen.

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I work with User Experience, Product Design and love hacking away on User Interfaces.

Scroll down to see some of my work.

I have had the pleasure of working as a long-time freelance Product Designer for e-conomic.

During this time I have been collaborating with the Product Owners, sketching user flows and doing UI and interaction design based on business requirements and use cases. I have taken a user-centered approach in all of my work.

Building hi-fidelity prototypes. These prototypes are used to test the flows and discussing business logic together with the various development teams.

Preparing UX and visual specs for the features for the development teams to implement the feature.

Below you can see some of the work I have done for them.

In-app subscription section

A redesign of the e-conomic customer's subscription management, inside the web-app. Before this redesign, the subscription, add-ons, and users were split up into three different submenus.

I took the initiative to rethink and unify the sections into one central page for managing everything related to the subscription and pricing. During the process, I collaborated with key stakeholders in various departments of the company in order to make sure that we hit the right spot.

With an impending change in e-conomic's price structure, we also had the challenge of communicating to each individual existing customer what the change would mean to them specifically. Rather than just slapping on an extra submenu item, it made much more sense to redo the whole subscription area.

In collaboration with the in-house revenue department, I designed a matrix that visualizes a comparison between the old and new price structure. This provides transparency for each customer on what the change will mean for their company.

Integration with Swedish Bankgirot system

Together with one of the development teams at e-conomic, I worked on an advanced integration with a Swedish clearing system that is used by the majority of Swedish companies to handle transactions and payments between B2B customers and suppliers.

My work included uncovering the flows and business logic that were a prerequisite for succesfully integrating the features into the e-conomic customer's business and workflow.

To get an overview of this part of the project, I used very rough'n'raw sketching, with storyboards and very rough wireframes, that could illustrate the business and user flow. From these deliverables, we were able to have an at-a-glance overview of questions we needed to get answer for, to be able to proceed with the project.

After having established what the user's workflow should be, I then proceeded to begin working on a few hi-fidelity clickable prototypes. These prototypes were used by the developers to start guestimating on the amount of work involved in developing the integration.

Debitoor VAT reporting

Debitoor is the sister product of e-conomic. It's a smaller-scale accounting web-app, targeted at freelancers, micro-SMEs and startups.

I worked with one of the Product Owners and development teams to create localized VAT reporting functionality. For some of the country localizations, we had the ability to integrate directly with the system of the governments tax authorities, enabling the users to file the VAT reports directly from inside Debitoor.

Debitoor user-friendly CSV import

One of the features I worked on for Debitoor, was the ability for a user to import his/her bank statement in CSV format. Since CSV is a very generic format, and every bank seems to provide a slighty different number of columns, we could not expect columns to be in the same order for every CSV file across different banking systems and countries. This meant that the user would need to provide input of how the file is structured.

We had a lot of discussions about what level of technical expertise we could expect from the user. Since the whole concept of Debitoor is to provide a guided, easy tool for doing your accounting, we needed to provide an easy way for non-technical users to provide the necessary input. Rather than going with a typical complex matrix, where the user has to toggle a lot of settings, I ended up designing a user-friendly wizard.

The wizard iterates through each column, delivering a guess at what type of data the column contains (transaction date, amount, transaction text, etc.). If the system guesses wrong, the user can then click on the correct column. The system then moves on to the next required column (for example transaction date). When the user has completed a CSV import, the system then stores the mapping and utilizes it to improve the guess quality for the user's future CSV imports.

Time registration module, e-conomic

I worked on the redesign of the e-conomic time registration add-on module. The module is geared towards companies that need to keep track of their employees work hours for invoicing, project management and other purposes.

Central to the UI is a calendar / datepicker widget, from which the user can select specific dates, weeks or months. When a specific date is chosen, the user can then view, edit and create time tracking entries, and the manager / superuser can see what has been reported in the selected period.

Call me: Tal ordentligt

Call me, a Danish mobile network operator wanted to create a campaign that would express their worldview and take on a social responsibility. For this purpose, a website was developed for the campaign, which had the goal of nourishing a proper debate, dialogue and general interaction in the public space. The website contains a discussion forum that facilitates debate amongst the users and which Call me takes a part in. A special video discussion feature was developed, where users can submit video clips. Also, we developed an informal and funny personality test ("What type of person are you?"), where the users answer a series of questions. Based on the answer of these questions, the user can learn what stereotypical personality group they belong to. Examples: "The explosive", "The hippie" and so on.

I developed the concept together with the marketing team at Call me. After discussing the various ideas, I then created the initial set of wireframes of the website. Based on these, we were able to discuss and refine the concept and then start development.

I worked with the visual designers and managed the technical team creating the website and Facebook page.

Website concept, information architechture, UX, interaction design, front-end development, technical project management of development.